Major Employers

Wal-MartDistribution Center
Dollar GeneralDistribution Center
Dunham’sDistribution Center
TSN DistributionConvienence store distributor
DOT FoodsFood re-distributor
Fraley & SchillingTrucking & Logistics

Industry Snapshot


Did You Know?

Indiana Foreign Trade Zones

Indiana recently became the second state in the country to establish an accelerated application process for Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ) in all 92 counties, behind Delaware, which has three counties.

Conexus Indiana Logistics Council

Conexus Indiana leads initiatives, research, partnerships, and opportunities for the logistics industry, economic development officials, public and private investors, government, educators and more. Central to this effort is the Conexus Indiana Logistics Council, a statewide partnership of logistics executives and stakeholders working together to implement strategic initiatives around infrastructure, innovation, public policy, and workforce development needs. CILC also created six regional logistics councils that identified the regional and local needs in their respective areas.